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编辑:admin     更新时间:2008-10-29      阅览:
  B1. The primary responsibility of citizens is to obey their nation’s civil and criminal laws.
  B2. Although most people wish to live long lives, attempting to significantly extend the average human life span would be a mistake. If achieved, this would place an enormous burden on resources, lowering the quality of life for everyone.
  B3. Lying should be avoided primarily because it harms people's ability to live togther in society.
  B4. Each generation's culture achievements--such as those in music, art ,or literature--represent improvements on the cultural achievements of previous generations.
  B5. Public figures should avoid expressing opinions about things that they have not personally experienced or been directly affected by.
  B6. The increasing popularity of video games and Internet suggests that consumers now want a more interactive entertainment experience than books, movies, and television can provide.
  B7. Only by traveling outside the country of one's birth can one understand the world and its people.
  B8. Because it is in the best interest of a society to promote integrity and moral behavior, governments should censor television and radio programs for offensive language and behavior.
  B9. Despite the violence and stereotypes present in many popular forms of entertainment created for children (such as books, movies, and video games), we should still allow children to experience this kind of entertainment.
  B10. Portrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therefore, those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their products.
  1. “Whether in politics or in business, leaders of any group need to understand that learning to compromise is ultimately more important than winning.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A2. “Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A3. “Government should place stricter limits on the ability of businesses to invade citizens’ privacy through telemarketing, E-mail, advertising, collection of personal information on consumers, and so on, even if those limits affect businesses’ profitability and competitiveness.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A4. “Companies should recruit and reward employees more for their enthusiasm and willingness to contribute to the mission of the organization than for their knowledge and skills.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A5. “Previous failure in some enterprise is essential if one is to become a successful leader.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A6. “The type of leadership that an organization needs (be it a college, a country, or a business, for example) depends largely on whether the organization is stable or in crisis.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A7. “Highly skilled employees who are ambitious, self-motivated, and self-sufficient are more likely to be harmful than beneficial in an organization based on teamwork.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A8. “An explicit and enforced set of values is crucial to the success of any company or other type of organization.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A9.“An organization cannot make real progress unless all its members share a common set of values rather than make decisions that are guided by their own values and beliefs.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A10. “In today’s rapidly and unpredictably changing world, attempting to learn from the past is no longer the wisest strategy.”
  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your experience, observations, or reading.
  A11. “The most important quality for a leader of an organization to have is not the ability to plan, to organize, and to solve problems but rather the ability to communicate the organization’s mission and to inspire people to work toward fulfilling that mission.”
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